Seamless data integration
Like Zapier for developers! Send and receive messages with a snap!
Fantastic Products
We offer everything that you need to handle integrations

Flennel Satellite
Seamlessly integrate external webhooks into your system.
Managing webhooks with stability and high reliability is a challenging task. It demands implementing scalability, data persistence, and queuing, exposing an endpoint, among other features. By using this product, your application can handle webhooks with astonishing ease, simplifying what was once complex!

Flennel LaunchPad
Effortlessly Power Your Customer Connections
Struggling with webhook implementation in your project? Wondering how to design a system that's scalable, easy to operate, and doesn't get overly complex? With Flennel, it's incredibly simple. Transform your webhook challenges into a seamless experience!

Flennel Antenna
Local debugging for webhooks
Imagine Ngrok, without exposing any endpoints, you can receive webhooks in your local environment. Like any HTTP API clients, you can store the request and investigate it later.
Batteries Included Webhooks
You will never need to care about the webhook infrastructure
Webhooks sometimes receive huge amounts of traffic. You can easily offload your application.
Never miss a webhook event. We guarantee that your webhook will be delivered.
Data & Sovereignty
We only mediate the communication of data; you are the owner of the data. There is no vendor lock-in.
Easy Integrations
Built by developers and for developers. Blazing fast integration with your applications.
Pay as you go
Only minimum upfront cost. You only pay for what you use.
Monitor all of your ingress or/and egress webhooks.
Pay as you go
Ultimately simple, easy-to-plan business fee structure
Start your first integration.
1 Webhook Endpoint
10k Requests / month
1 User
1 Team
For any production ready products.
Up to 5 Webhook Endpoint
100k Requests / month
Unlimited User
Up to 5 Teams
Opt-in additional webhook requests $0.0001 per message
Contact us
More security, support, reliability.
Unlimited Webhook Endpoint
Unlimited Requests / month
Unlimited User
SAML Single-Sign-On (SSO)
IP Allow & Block Rules
DDOS Protection
Opt-in additional webhook requests $0.0001 per message